Employee Hours Invoice Template

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An employee hours invoice is used by part and full-time employees to track the number of hours they worked and to request payment for said hours. Use this invoice if you are a nonexempt employee that needs to track and bill weekly wage fluctuations, overtime pay, and hourly wages.

Table of Contents

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

All employees that work by the hour are covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This federal department establishes the rules on how employees are paid whether hourly, tipped, or on salary. In addition, local and state governments have their own departments that ensure labor laws are enforced.

Salaried Employee Hours

An employee is deemed to be on salary if they are guaranteed a minimum amount of money to be received during any workweek, regardless of the amount or type of work they put in. Many employers calculate salary on a per hour ($/hr) figure. Most employees that are on salary have an employment contract with their employer that governs the working relationship between both parties and the payment structure.

How Many Hours Can an Employee Work Without a Break?

In most states, after five (5) hours of consecutive work, employees are entitled to a 30-minute break. The laws vary by state, which can be seen on the US Department of Labor’s Table of Meal Period Requirements.

How Many Hours Does a Part-Time Employee Work?

If an employee is not on salary and is not guaranteed a minimum amount of pay each week, that individual would be considered a part-time employee. There is no law restricting the number of hours a part-time employee can work, therefore it is possible for an employee to work 40 hours per week and still be considered a part-time employee. What defines whether an employee is working part-time or full time is up to the employee and employer.

Employee Contract Template

Use when hiring an employee either on a per hour ($/hr) or salary ($/yr) basis.

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