Freelance Videographer Invoice Template

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A freelance videographer invoice is a document allowing an independent filmmaker/videographer to bill clients for their services. Clients can be billed based on a rate, package, or even a project.

Table of Contents

What is a Freelance Videographer?

A freelance videographer is a self-employed individual (may have their own company) that offers their services to create or produce videos. A freelance videographer may also create their own videos for content purposes to make money. This could include producing content for YouTube and social media outlets. A freelance videographer charges services for:

  • Filmmaking
  • Editing
  • Marketing

Freelance Videographer Jobs

Freelance videographers rely heavily on referrals and relationships with other people. Having great reviews online can really help find new work (jobs) within the industry. The platform UpWork is a marketplace where freelance videographers can offer their services online (for free).

Freelance Videographer Project Rates

Many videographers decide to go freelance due to wanting more freedom to work on their own projects. Customers like working with freelance videographers because they tend to be cheaper than hiring a full-service production company. Working with a freelance videographer can be more personable and trusting. The following are the average cost of projects and the types of tasks commonly associated with the prices:

$500-$800 – Most videographers starting out can expect to get anywhere from a few hundred dollars to one thousand. Simple videos without editing, such as stock videos, are normally priced in this range.

  • Stock videos

$1,000-$1500 – Many people reach out to freelance videographers for short videos (usually under 1 minute) to be used for online ads.

  • Online Ads (for Youtube, Facebook, Instagram)

$3,000+ – Whether a freelancer or not, a customer paying over three thousand dollars for a video is expecting to receive a professional product. Videographers that know how to deliver a video with marketing in mind while understanding the customer’s needs can get away charging premium prices.

  • Commercials
  • Documentaries
  • Film

Freelance Videographer Salary & Hourly Rate ($/hr)

  • Salary: $49,554/yr (source: Indeed)
  • Hourly Rate: $18.37/hr (source: Indeed – select the “hourly” option)