Film Crew Invoice Template

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A film crew invoice is used for totaling up the expenses accrued from labor services provided for the production of an independent or large-scale movie or short film. Depending on the scale of production, film crews can charge anywhere from $1,000 to tens of thousands of dollars in labor, equipment, and set building supplies.

By Type


Camera Assistant


Photo Assistant





Production Assistant


What does a Film Crew do?

A film crew is composed of a wide variety of workers with different titles and responsibilities. In general, a film crew will have one (1) or more of the following crew members:

Producer(s) – The financier of the film’s production. Typically provides oversight to ensure the entire process comes together smoothly, provides that the script is completed, and maintains that a production timeline is followed.

Director – Controls every aspect of the film’s development. Score selection, casting choices, and the general feeling of a movie is dictated by the director. It’s often accepted that an actor is only as good as the role and script they are given – great movies are often attribute directors a large portion of the credit (and rightfully so).

Screenwriter – A screenwriter creates the story that will be conveyed in a movie, television, and/or video game. Scripts, unlike novels and other works of writing, including each character’s emotions and dialogue – forming as a type of instructions for actors and directors.

Actors – What comes to mind for the general public when one thinks of the film industry. Actors make a movie come to life by bringing the screenwriter’s story and the director’s vision together as one.

Production Assistant – Tasked with running errands and completing miscellaneous jobs for the executives on set. An entry-level job that often serves as a stepping-stone for landing higher-level positions.

Camera Operator Operate the video equipment for the television and film industries. Responsible for assembling equipment, assisting the lighting crew, and maintaining flexibility for ever-changing script directions.

Set Builders – Are responsible for creating the sets used in television and film. Typically types of contractors – set builders to have woodworking, metalworking, and a general “jack of all trades” type skills they rely on for constructing platforms, scaffolding, camera tracks, and other necessary items for the scene or film.

How to Join a Film Crew

Competitiveness and exclusivity is a highlight of the film industry. Finding a way in can be exceptionally difficult, to say the least. However, this fact doesn’t warrant not trying, as those with little to exceptional experience can find their way in if they have an aptitude for working hard and staying committed. The best way of gaining experience and networking within the industry is by working for free. “Free” doesn’t pay the bills, but with how many people are competing for work, it often is the fastest way to making progress within the field.

The following are the recommended platforms for finding open film crew positions: